If you have received your fair share of collaboration emails, you could understand the importance of a subject line. 

An email subject line is essential for anyone writing a collaborative email. Your subject line can either make or break your collaboration proposal. So, crafting your subject line can not only help you increase your open rate, but it can also increase the number of responses you get on your proposal. 

In this article, we cover some essential tips for writing a killer email subject line that gets your email opened.

The best tips for creating a successful email subject line

1. Keep your subject line simple

First of all, your subject line should be as simple as possible. By this, we mean that you should use simple and easy to understand words. This will ensure that your senders understand the idea behind your collaboration proposal. 

Some other benefits of a simple subject line are:

  • Your notifications can easily display a simple subject line instead of something complex. This improves your chances of getting a read and reply. 
  • People are busy, so if your subject line is difficult to understand, they might not spend time trying to understand what it’s about. Hence, you miss the opportunity to pass across your collaboration proposal. 

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2. Create a sense of urgency

Have you ever seen an email subject line and felt you had to read it immediately? That’s because it created a sense of urgency in your mind.

Crafting an email subject line that creates a sense of urgency in your readers is a tip everyone can use when sending emails. 

However, it is essential to ensure that:

  • You don’t overuse this tip. If you make it sound too urgent, it could come off as fake or as a clickbait. 
  • When creating your subject line, you are using the right grammar. 
  • The subject line is not a clickbait and an accurate representation of what the email body is about.

3. Insert an offer in your subject line

Another way to get a successful proposal from your collaboration email is to offer something in the subject line. 

You can hint on any offer you have in the email body to spark your receivers’ interest. 

When using this tip, let the hint be subtle. Don’t put all of it in the email subject line. Give a subtle hint of the offer and expand on it in the body. 

This tip allows the reader to understand the point of your email from the subject area. 

It also shows your professionalism and increases your chances of getting a reply from your receivers.

4. Use keywords in your email subject line

Most professionals use filters and folders to manage their inbox, so by adding keywords in your subject line, you ensure your emails get found in the search and filtering. 

So, include searchable keywords related to the topic of your email in your subject line.

5. Exclude filler words from your subject line

There is no point adding filler words like; hello, thanks, nice to meet you, etc. They are entirely unnecessary, and they take up the much-needed space on your subject tine. 

Also, don’t include any word or phrase that can be in your email body.

6. Avoid using all caps

Another tip in this list of our best tips is to avoid using all caps in any email subject you are creating. 

You might not know this, but using all caps is equivalent to shouting in the digital world. You might want to catch your receiver’s attention with capitalization, but it will have the opposite effect.

Instead of using caps, try using dashes or colons.

7. Put your most important information at the beginning

35% of professionals open their emails on their mobile devices. And, you never know how much of your email subject line your receivers will be able to view on their smartphones. 

So, putting the most crucial information at the start of your subject line ensures that it doesn’t get missed.

8. Set a deadline

Now, you might be asking for a collaboration, but that doesn’t mean you can’t put a deadline on your expected response. By setting a deadline in your email subject, you are more likely to get an answer (and faster). 

The idea is simple, people don’t want to miss out on things, but they could also put off responding for as long as they can. But, with a deadline, readers will respond faster. Even if they reject your offer, they won’t want you waiting on their response so that they will send a reply with their decision.

9. Build curiosity with your subject line

Sometimes, it is okay to have a sense of mystery in your subject line. Writing a collaborative email subject line that piques the receiver’s interest and curiosity is a great way to increase your open rate. 

Curiosity-driven email subject lines require the receivers to open the email to answer the question already building up inside of them. So, they could be highly effective in your mission. 

Three things to consider when using this tip;

  • Your subject line must not be a clickbait. Click baiting is the fastest way to push people away from your brand. 
  • Make sure that the subject line still aligns with your brand. 

Ensure that the subject line isn’t too obscure. Your receivers could read too mysterious subject lines as spam. There are several spam word checkers you can run your subject line through before finalizing on it.

10. Mention any referral in your subject line

Finally, a great way to get your receiver to open your collaborative email is to mention any possible referral in your email subject line. Look at it this way; you are more likely to open an email from a familiar name than from a stranger. 

If a third party knows the receiver referred you, mention it in your subject line. This will grab your readers’ attention and will increase the chances of your email getting opened. 

A great example will be if you are sending out a collaborative email proposal to a company someone in your network has previously worked with before. You can ask for a referral from said network. But, don’t just put the name in the body, write it in the email subject line so it’s the first thing the company sees when they receive the email. That way, they are more likely to open it.

Example format; Referral from Jon Doe: Become our brand ambassador.

or, Referred by John Doe: We want to feature you.

The bottom line

In conclusion, the subject line of your collaboration email is essential to your open rate. By implementing the tips shared in this article, you will write a killer subject line that gets your email read. 

There are some handy email tools for businesses looking to send out collaborative emails. With these tools, you can check your email subject line’s quality if they are powerful enough to read your email.

If possible, follow all the tips shared in this article when creating your email subject line to send out your collaboration proposal.

About the author

Dominic Beaulieu is an expert writer who specializes in creating various training and professional upgrade courses, materials and manuals. He mainly writes on development, digital marketing, design, business strategies, etc. This breadth of specialization allows him to write expert columns on the most pressing topics in today’s society and creating writing reviews in Essay Assistant.