B2B SaaS Linkedin Ad Funnels from 2 companies

We chose to analyze LinkedIn lead gen forms, from 2 B2B SaaS companies: Plivo and Paragon by Brandon Foo.

Paragon’s ad funnel was a FREE TRIAL offer and included:

  • 1 LinkedIn lead gen form ad with a proper UTM tagging and Facebook retargeting
  • Different ad copy for split testing
  • Homepage (no landing page)
  • 5 email automation in one week (links to a private demo via Calendly and a recorded demo on YouTube)

Paragon would have done better if they used a landing page instead of a homepage and without any navigation elements. Also, they could use a more catchy ad graphic.

Plivo ad funnel was a GUIDE DOWNLOAD and included:

  • 1 LinkedIn lead gen form ad without UTM tagging
  • Solid guide –
  • Website (no landing page)
  • 3 Email automation

Plivo must have redirected their leads to a landing page instead of a website in order to minimize the potential for any bounces. In addition, they were missing on attribution which was important to help them identify the source of traffic and conversions.