30 YouTube statistics that you may find useful

There might be a difficulty recalling what was in the pre-YouTube era. The channel seems like it has been existing for a very long time and the reason is its popularity and persistent increased usage ever since it was created. YouTube was created in February 2005 and the first video titled “Me at the zoo” was uploaded on April 23rd of that year, showing a young guy talking about the…

10 digital marketing trends for 2019 you should know

As digital trends evolve every year, marketers should always be aware of the changes in order to easily adapt with emerging technologies and stay ahead in the market. This will help them gain a competitive edge and become able to develop new ways to grow their businesses, generate leads and improve the relationship with their existing customers. Based on the digital marketing trends article…

How to get Instagram followers

Everyone’s favorite photo-sharing app, Instagram boasts over 800 million monthly active users worldwide. Of course, this means a huge portion of your prospects are hanging out on the platform, ready to be marketed to! The hitch? There are over 8 million business profiles currently active on Instagram as well. In this right, it’s become increasingly important to not only have a presence on…

10 ways to boost traffic and sales with Twitter

Used by world leaders and regular citizens alike, Twitter is a social media platform that has undeniably transformed the way that humans interact. While this may seem hyperbolic, Twitter has created a language - initially in 140 characters or less - that has defined digital, person-to-person interactions more so than any other platform that came before. The brainchild of programmers Jack…

How to write effective meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are an incredibly important (and often overlooked) element of the digital ecosystem. A short paragraph of text that summarizes a page’s content, the meta description plays a vital role in getting searchers to click on your page, rather than your competitors’. Not only does the description serve as a “sneak peek” into the page’s content, but search engines will highlight the…

Are you ready for voice technology?

When it comes to human speech, the average person can speak 150 words per minute, versus typing just 40 words in the same amount of time. This demonstrates a huge discrepancy between the way humans interact, and the technology used to communicate. Luckily, in the last 5 years, many companies have been quick to bridge that gap. Voice, as an interface, is reshaping the way we think about the…

11 things to consider when working with social media influencers

Over the past few years, influencer marketing has become an integral part of any (and all) social media campaigns. Brand advocates and niche promoters, influencers are individuals with successful social media accounts -- often with thousands or even millions of followers -- who have an impressive engagement rate. With an extensive reach and a community of committed followers, these social…

Net neutrality repeal: What now?

The hotly contended issue of net neutrality has been making headlines for months. On December 14th 2017, the United States’ Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to repeal the current net neutrality regulations, which required internet service providers to classify high-speed internet as a public utility. Within the bounds of these net neutrality regulations, service providers could…

Valentine’s Day marketing ideas to grab customers’ attention

Love is a multi-billion dollar industry. With the total consumer spending sitting at an impressive $18.2 billion in 2017, Valentine’s Day has become an essential holiday for businesses both big and small. With the average consumer spending approximately $136.57 on gifts and tokens of affection—and with that number projected to rise in the coming years—it’s time to turn those haphazard,…

12 LinkedIn features you should be using now

When Microsoft acquired LinkedIn back in 2016 for a crisp $26.2 billion, many people scratched their heads. Why focus on a networking site whose ‘cool factor’ palled in comparison to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Why such a large amount for a platform that had, for all intents and purposes, plateaued in the public eye? Well, now we know now that Microsoft had a few tricks up their…