Webinar: Create a great online brand

IS YOUR ONLINE BRAND GROWING YOUR BUSINESS? According to Forrester research "of the information buyers read before making a purchasing decision, 70% is online." This statistic is a clear indicator that in 2016 your online brand is a vital piece of growing your business. Consumers, whether B2B or B2C, increasingly use the internet as the first step in researching products and services.…

New feature release: landing page builder

After months of dedicated work, we are excited to beta launch our landing page builder. I want to share with you why we decided to build this component and how we did it. The Continuously Growing List of Tools Required It's become essential for marketers to create landing pages for variety of reasons: SEO, collecting more leads, conversion, event launches, PPC and more. There are many…

5 ways to manage your users online reviews

Online reviews are one of the major influencing factors over your business. They reflect your brand and people searching for your website expect to find positive reviews from your experienced guests. Social media plays a major role in online reputation management because it gets customers to know about your product and you can communicate with them on a regular basis to fulfill their…

Differences between traditional marketing and growth hacking

What is growth hacking? Growth hacking is a technique all marketers should consider using. Companies like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have used growth hacking to gain incredible numbers of users and loyal communities. Originally, growth hacking helped lean start-ups increase profits in relatively short periods of time. The benefits however, can also increase the effectiveness of larger,…

Seven social media mistakes you should avoid

Social marketing is booming and in the forthcoming years, almost every business will count on it as a channel for customer acquisition and retention. If you are a marketer or simply starting to market for your company, there are many important mistakes and pitfalls to avoid. Here are seven of them: Buying Fans and Followers It's all about quality and not quantity! While paying for extra…