Strategies for growing your online customer base

The internet is reshaping how customers and companies alike think about business. For consumers, who are projected to complete 95% of all purchases online by the year 2040, the world-wide-web provides new avenues for connecting with companies. At the same time, businesses are allocating more resources that aid them in accommodating an online audience, which is indicative of the growing market…

7 KPIs you should focus on to measure your agency success

In order to determine your agency’s financial health and success, it’s critical to identify the major KPIs that matter most to your business. Focusing on your key marketing metrics allows you to discover which marketing channel(s) is generating the most valuable clients and the major tweaks that you should apply to reduce your churn rate.  Below are 7 major KPIs your business should measure…

How to grow your email list with social media

There are no doubts, that your company has an audience that it targets to reach and convert to be in their email list. It may seem too easy but social media is a great avenue to get to your target audience. See, most companies have a massive following on social media yet still struggle with getting people on their email list, why? They ignored their following! Sure, it is good to have many…

How to create an automation to get customer reviews

According to Trust Radius, over 53% of people look at online reviews during their selection process. While B2B and B2C buying behaviors change, the way buyers consume reviews is evolving and becoming an important driver in the decision making stage. In a nutshell, it really matters what people are saying about your business so you can use this opportunity to establish a strong reputation…

18 effective ways to grow your business with Facebook

With over 2.13 billion active monthly users worldwide, Facebook remains the most popular social media platform year after year. And while the beginning of 2018 has seen the network’s trust put into question amid a large-scale data breach, projections still see Facebook’s user base increasing well into 2019. In short, Facebook remains an unbeatable force in the digital (and social) sphere.…

Facebook just removed 18 outdated ad metrics: What’s next?

Facebook is getting a facelift. Well, at least its metrics are. On Wednesday, February 22, Facebook announced in an official blog post that it will begin removing ad metrics “that marketers have told us are redundant, outdated, not actionable or infrequently used.” They will be replacing these metrics with newer ones that they have labeled as “estimated” and/or “in development”. All these…

5 a/b testing tactics that improve your email campaign performance

A/B testing has become a critical tool for B2B and B2C marketers who want to optimize the performance of their email marketing campaigns. The way it works is that through a software tool, a marketer can test 2 variations of an email, popup or landing page, to see which results in higher engagement with their followers. After the winner is determined, you can either set up the system so that…

Top 10 considerations for choosing marketing technology

According to Marketing Land in March 2016, "almost 4,000 companies are now part of the marketing technology landscape, a huge leap from the 150 itemized back in 2011." There's also no sign of a slow down in this industry. New companies, technologies and innovations are being created almost daily. In this growing web of services and tools, how does a company choose the right ones? We've put…