FoundersCard Checkout Funnel

FoundersCard Checkout Funnel In this video, we analyze the marketing funnel of FoundersCard, an organization, which has grown to over 50K entrepreneurs around the world and whose main function is to reward companies’ founders as well as partners by providing their members with high value benefits. We discuss their funnel end-to-end, starting from their ad copy that they published on…

Landing page best practices in 2021

Many marketers fall into shortcomings after designing their landing pages. Examples of these shortcomings are not having enough traffic or conversions. To overcome these issues, here’s what we covered in this presentation: The latest landing page trends that you need to be aware of. VBOUT’s resources to help build effective landing pages. Find out the landing page best practices that you…

Pre-recorded webinar funnel – Tyson Zahner

Pre-recorded webinar funnel - Tyson Zahner If you are wondering how marketers​ run pre-recorded webinar​ funnels​, check out Tyson Zahner in this edition of rip a funnel​ Tuesday. The funnel has a free video training which ends with an upsell to a full course. It includes: 1 YouTube pre-roll ad 2 Landing pages 1 Pre-recorded webinar with 5 time slots using Join Now . 3…

Ecommerce Funnel Analysis – By Pillow Cube

Ecommerce Funnel Analysis - By Pillow Cube In this video, we analyze the ecommerce funnel of Pillow Cube, a brand that sells side sleeper pillows. We will discuss the entire funnel, starting from ad, ad copy and attribution down to the landing page, the offer they crafted, and what happens after subscription. We explain the good practices that they’ve done regarding the preview ad, the…

4 ways to increase online sales with SMS marketing

SMS is a powerful tool that should be an integral part of any digital marketing strategy, instead of being seen as a separate channel. With SMS marketing, you are assured of engaged customers, high ROI, and high offer and coupon redemption rates. As such, business owners with offers such as £10 no deposit bonus can be confident that their strategies will ultimately pay off. And there are SMS…

Analyzing Chargebee’s marketing funnel

Analyzing Chargebee's marketing funnel In this video, we analyze the funnel of Chargebee, a subscription management platform. Below are the elements that we will discuss: Their ad (using HubSpot) Their landing page Their email automation Their calendar booking component Their attribution In addition, we highlight the potential areas that they could have improved for…

6 Essential eCommerce Rich Snippets to Boost CTR and Sales

Did you know that more people search Google for shopping ideas than they do on Amazon? This is according to a study on Search Engine Land. Granted, your e-commerce site is more visible when you tweak your SEO strategies to be more visible on Google. Google keeps updating its features to offer its users a better experience. Rich snippets are some of the features that Google has added.…

Email marketing benchmarks and future trends – Build a more effective strategy

In this presentation, we discuss the latest email marketing benchmarks and the future trends that you need to leverage in order to build a more effective email marketing strategy. Below are the main highlights: The major 6 trends that your business should start focusing on. The impact of COVID on email marketing overall as well as certain industries like Travel, Brick & Mortar,…

Analyzing a Great Course Funnel

Analyzing a Great Course Funnel Check out this great course funnel​ by Aaron Fletcher from Launch Maps at GrowthWorks. Below are the marketing campaigns and materials they’ve used to build a solid funnel: Facebook Ad 2 landing pages (Free course offer) 1 Facebook group Gated course pages 12 email sequences in 1 week Facebook bot Solid attribution We analyze their…

Marketing to the Quarter-Life Crisis

Great marketing is always predicated on an understanding of the target demographic. Gaining insights into their needs, their desires, and their interaction preferences is key to creating meaningful engagement. For those marketing to the tail end of the Millennial generation, it’s increasingly important to understand that you are selling to those who may well be experiencing the quarter-life…