18 effective ways to grow your business with Facebook

With over 2.13 billion active monthly users worldwide, Facebook remains the most popular social media platform year after year. And while the beginning of 2018 has seen the network’s trust put into question amid a large-scale data breach, projections still see Facebook’s user base increasing well into 2019. In short, Facebook remains an unbeatable force in the digital (and social) sphere.…

Top 10 considerations for choosing a landing page builder

Landing pages have become an indispensable part of marketing. They are a great lead capture and conversion tool. But what are the things you need to consider when choosing a landing page builder? In this video, you will find out the top 10 considerations for choosing a landing page builder. 1. Limits Landing pages are great for SEO building you need a builder that doesn’t limit you…

6 killer email automation processes proven to boost conversions

Marketing automation has been one of the biggest trends as more and more affordable solutions with simplified interfaces surface the SaaS ecosystem. Smaller companies are now able to deploy automation campaigns in matter of hours and with very little investment. Here are 6 effective, easy to setup email automation processes that are proven to increase conversion and increase sales,…

Five inbound marketing practices you should know

Inbound marketing has become the most effective way to maintain your customers, strengthen your brand image and increase return on investment. While there are many technics for inbound marketing  here are five practices that are proven to work wonders when properly implemented Create Great Content Blogging is the most critical aspect of inbound marketing. It is that first layer of trust…