Five top digital marketing trends In 2016

Digital marketing is a fast paced environment with constantly changing technologies and techniques. Developing successful campaigns, measuring success, and engaging customers requires marketers to continually shift strategies and adopt new tactics. To help you plan a successful 2016, we analyze five of the emerging trends and explain some ways to incorporate this in your planning for the year.…

20 quotes on success for entrepreneurs

Here are 20 inspirational quotes that we've gathered to increase your motivation! Don't forget to always stay motivated, surround yourself with positive energy and know that your success, whatever it might be, will happen eventually with hard work and perseverance.

Successful social media campaigns examples!

It’s the shopping season and retailers faced intense competition to grab their customers’ attention. Who’s been doing a great job? What are some of our favorite campaigns? Here are three companies producing amazing results on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Facebook Ads – Adore Me had incredible response to their Black Friday strategies Hate ‘em or love ‘em, Facebook Ads are very…

So, Black Friday is global?!

In the last decade I've started a tradition of traveling abroad over Thanksgiving. It’s not that I don’t like the most American of holidays, with the overeating and binge shopping, it’s just a good time to take advantage of decent international flight prices and a long weekend. This year I visited some friends in Spain and when I arrived in Madrid Thanksgiving morning, I was immediately…

Using custom domain names on VBOUT landing pages

How to create a domain alias You can use your own domain name or sub-domain to point to your landing pages created on the Vbout. Furthermore, you can point the same domain name to multiple sub-pages from the same system. Below are simple instructions on how to use your own domain name: Choose and register your domain name If you don't have a domain name already, you'll need to…

Shake Shack digital marketing analysis

Shake Shack is a popular American burger chain created in 2004 that has experienced incredible growth. The franchise, a public company since 2014, has become one of the top 10 fastest growing chains in America with 63 branches worldwide. It is widely known for infamous long lines, high quality burgers and tasty custards. The most interesting aspect of Shake Shack’s growth is that the company…

The basic video marketing facts, stats and benefits…

Video is one of the most effective growth-hacking tactics to apply to a company's content marketing activities. According to Comscore statistics, Web visitors who watch a video stay on the site two more minutes and are 64% more likely to purchase a product or service. In this Infographic, you will discover different facts, stats,benefits of video marketing and more:

Which metric should I care more about: traffic or conversion?

Analyzing data has become a major component of marketing strategy. Could you imagine performing marketing duties without analyzing metrics to make sure you are reaching your goals? Of course not. Tracking however, goes beyond gathering results. It’s also important to analyze if you are using and collecting the data in the best way. You should ask yourself the following questions: How…

11 ways email campaigns can drive conversions

Email marketing plays a critical role in improving the relationship with your customers. It allows you to transform your visitors into loyal guests and increase your marketing revenues. According to direct marketing association, email marketing contributes a $40 return on investment for every dollar spent. In order to boost your conversion rate with email marketing, here are some efficient…