Repurposing Content Across YT Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok Videos: The Ultimate Guide

We’re living in fast-paced digital work, and if you’re in the business, you’ve likely witnessed a huge demand for short-form video content. With its rise, these videos have become a pivotal component for the success of any digital strategy. They range from a few seconds to 2 minutes, but they’re very successful in capturing the audience’s attention. This format perfectly aligns with the…

7 Instagram Reels Marketing Strategies You Must Use

There's no doubt that Instagram is one of the hottest social media platforms right now. But why talk about marketing strategies for Instagram Reels? Instagram Reels is the latest social media platform that has been gaining traction amongst marketers given its high reach, views, and engagement rates. No wonder then that small to large businesses are perfecting their marketing…

10 Proven Ways to Boost e-Commerce Sales with Instagram Shopping

Did you know that Instagram users spend an average of 28 minutes per day on the platform? That's a huge number, and it's no wonder businesses are starting to use Instagram as a way to increase product awareness, build their reputation, or strengthen relationships with their customers. But you can also use Instagram Shopping to boost your e-commerce sales. In this blog post, we will…

5 ways to measure your Instagram marketing results

With its large number of users, Instagram has become an inevitable tool in any digital marketing agency repertoire. However, it is essential to revise your marketing strategy often and thoroughly. It is the only way to be able to really take full advantage of it and get the most significant return on investment, be it for organic or paid posts. The key to knowing in which direction you should…

V-cast: Create a lead gen machine with Instagram – Producers Market

V-cast with Producers Market: Create a lead gen machine with Instagram Host: Richard Fallah, CEO at VBOUT. Guest Speaker: Keith Agoada, Co-Founder Producers Market Highlights On this episode of top marketer, we host Keith Agoada, co-founder and CEO of Producers Market, a new way to digitizing the Agricultural value-chain over blockchain. Keith and his team are building the most…

How to get Instagram followers

Everyone’s favorite photo-sharing app, Instagram boasts over 800 million monthly active users worldwide. Of course, this means a huge portion of your prospects are hanging out on the platform, ready to be marketed to! The hitch? There are over 8 million business profiles currently active on Instagram as well. In this right, it’s become increasingly important to not only have a presence on…

How to boost your business with Instagram stories

Back in 2016, Snapchat was the app on the tip of everyone’s tongue. However, in August of that year, Instagram launched a similar feature and titled it ‘stories.’ At first glance, Instagram’s stories seemed like a thinly veiled attempt to steal Snapchat’s users and market shares. Yet, while Instagram undeniably took cues from Snapchat’s success, the app has since elevated their stories and…

How to optimize your Instagram strategy

Everyone’s favorite photo-sharing app, Instagram boasts over 800 million monthly active users worldwide. Of course, this means a huge portion of your prospects are hanging out on the platform, ready to be marketed to! The hitch? There are over 8 million business profiles currently active on Instagram as well. In this right, it’s become increasingly important to not only have a presence on…

Top 10 Marketing automation Tools and AI-Powered Platforms

In today's competitive landscape, businesses need marketing automation software and AI-powered tools to drive growth and automate their marketing processes in a more effective way. Here, we explore ten top marketing platforms in 2024, highlighting their AI features, agency partner programs, and pricing tiers. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview, helping you choose the best…

New Myths in Email Marketing in 2024: Debunking Common Misconceptions

In digital marketing, email remains a trusted lead nurturing and conversion tool. But it’s also surrounded by myths that can mislead business owners. In this guide, we’re challenging beliefs and revealing the truth about what really works in email marketing. From misconceptions about unsubscribes, plain-text emails, and coming across as too “salesy,” we’re debunking email marketing…