Unlock the power of email marketing

DO YOU KNOW THE SECRETS TO INCREASING LEADS WITH EMAIL MARKETING? Against all odds, or logic, email marketing is still the king of content marketing. When the average professional gets over 100 emails daily, how could this be? Have a look at this statistic from Campaign Monitor in 2016: Email marketing has a 3800% ROI with a return of $38 for every $1 spent. Something is going right…

Manipulating shortcodes – supercharge your personalization

Personalizing your emails and landing pages is super important. Vbout gives you the ultimate flexibility when adding shortcodes to your campaigns or landing pages, ensuring you control what the user sees and what to fall back on when values are missing. Here are some helpful syntax come handy when targeting lists with varied data format. some examples, full name in one field, missing names and…

Growth hacking perspectives from a funded startup

Growth hacking has been a hot trend for several years now. The benefits are clear, as the companies who do it well have displayed the impact on revenue a great growth hacking plan can have. Despite all the talk about growth hacking, there is still a lot to learn about how to do it properly. If you look up the definition of growth hacking on Wikipedia it says: So, this sounds simple…

New feature release: landing page builder

After months of dedicated work, we are excited to beta launch our landing page builder. I want to share with you why we decided to build this component and how we did it. The Continuously Growing List of Tools Required It's become essential for marketers to create landing pages for variety of reasons: SEO, collecting more leads, conversion, event launches, PPC and more. There are many…

7 ways to use smart popups to increase your email subscribers

Competition for e-commerce sites is steadily increasing. As a result, online retailers need to use effective techniques to convert visitors into email subscribers and then into customers. When browsing the web these days, it is hard not to notice pop-ups being used on many websites. There are many types, from simple pop-ups that appear as soon as you open a page, to those that suddenly…

Five top digital marketing trends In 2016

Digital marketing is a fast paced environment with constantly changing technologies and techniques. Developing successful campaigns, measuring success, and engaging customers requires marketers to continually shift strategies and adopt new tactics. To help you plan a successful 2016, we analyze five of the emerging trends and explain some ways to incorporate this in your planning for the year.…

So, Black Friday is global?!

In the last decade I've started a tradition of traveling abroad over Thanksgiving. It’s not that I don’t like the most American of holidays, with the overeating and binge shopping, it’s just a good time to take advantage of decent international flight prices and a long weekend. This year I visited some friends in Spain and when I arrived in Madrid Thanksgiving morning, I was immediately…

Shake Shack digital marketing analysis

Shake Shack is a popular American burger chain created in 2004 that has experienced incredible growth. The franchise, a public company since 2014, has become one of the top 10 fastest growing chains in America with 63 branches worldwide. It is widely known for infamous long lines, high quality burgers and tasty custards. The most interesting aspect of Shake Shack’s growth is that the company…

Differences between traditional marketing and growth hacking

What is growth hacking? Growth hacking is a technique all marketers should consider using. Companies like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have used growth hacking to gain incredible numbers of users and loyal communities. Originally, growth hacking helped lean start-ups increase profits in relatively short periods of time. The benefits however, can also increase the effectiveness of larger,…