7 ways to use smart popups to increase your email subscribers

Competition for e-commerce sites is steadily increasing. As a result, online retailers need to use effective techniques to convert visitors into email subscribers and then into customers. When browsing the web these days, it is hard not to notice pop-ups being used on many websites. There are many types, from simple pop-ups that appear as soon as you open a page, to those that suddenly…

Successful social media campaigns examples!

It’s the shopping season and retailers faced intense competition to grab their customers’ attention. Who’s been doing a great job? What are some of our favorite campaigns? Here are three companies producing amazing results on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Facebook Ads – Adore Me had incredible response to their Black Friday strategies Hate ‘em or love ‘em, Facebook Ads are very…

So, Black Friday is global?!

In the last decade I've started a tradition of traveling abroad over Thanksgiving. It’s not that I don’t like the most American of holidays, with the overeating and binge shopping, it’s just a good time to take advantage of decent international flight prices and a long weekend. This year I visited some friends in Spain and when I arrived in Madrid Thanksgiving morning, I was immediately…

Which metric should I care more about: traffic or conversion?

Analyzing data has become a major component of marketing strategy. Could you imagine performing marketing duties without analyzing metrics to make sure you are reaching your goals? Of course not. Tracking however, goes beyond gathering results. It’s also important to analyze if you are using and collecting the data in the best way. You should ask yourself the following questions: How…

11 ways email campaigns can drive conversions

Email marketing plays a critical role in improving the relationship with your customers. It allows you to transform your visitors into loyal guests and increase your marketing revenues. According to direct marketing association, email marketing contributes a $40 return on investment for every dollar spent. In order to boost your conversion rate with email marketing, here are some efficient…

5 tips on running a successful social media campaign

According to a study conducted by “Staples”, the world’s largest office products company and second largest internet retailer, small business owners comprehend the importance of social media in engaging with customers and improving conversion but often lack the expertise of incorporating digital marketing resources into their businesses. In this article, you will learn 5 quick tips on how…

Send user data from your website to a VBOUT email list

You can inject user data from your website into a Vbout email marketing list for the purpose of general marketing or re-marketing to those who left your website before completing an action. Ex: capturing the information of someone who signed up to your software or the data of a customer who made an online purchase from your e-commerce website. To implement this feature you first have to…

Hacking Twitter Character Limit

If your tweet is longer then 140 characters, do not worry! The Vbout smart tweet compressor creates an automated landing page for your post so you do not have to cut off your messages ever again. The post landing page will follow this format: https://Vbout.com/USER-NAME/1234. Simply continue composing your message and our engine will do the rest. Below is an example of a longer then 140…

VBOUT filters for segments and email automation

With Vbout's smart filters you can create very specific segments of your subscribers, based on multiple criteria from the list, then target those subscribers once the filters you choose apply to them. Filters are mainly used in creating list segments, email automations and lead nurturing automation. Available options for all text and number fields : is: value of the text field matches…