B2B SaaS Linkedin Ad Funnels from 2 companies

B2B SaaS Linkedin Ad Funnels from 2 companies We chose to analyze LinkedIn lead gen forms, from 2 B2B SaaS companies: Plivo and Paragon by Brandon Foo. Paragon's ad funnel was a FREE TRIAL offer and included: 1 LinkedIn lead gen form ad with a proper UTM tagging and Facebook retargeting Different ad copy for split testing Homepage (no landing page) 5 email automation in one…

Pre-recorded webinar funnel – Tyson Zahner

Pre-recorded webinar funnel - Tyson Zahner If you are wondering how marketers​ run pre-recorded webinar​ funnels​, check out Tyson Zahner in this edition of rip a funnel​ Tuesday. The funnel has a free video training which ends with an upsell to a full course. It includes: 1 YouTube pre-roll ad 2 Landing pages 1 Pre-recorded webinar with 5 time slots using Join Now . 3…

7 PPC hacks every digital agency must try in 2021

Digital marketing has taken business advertising by storm in the modern world. For most companies, the advertising model is designed to boost traffic, increase conversion rates, and build brand recognition, all the while maintaining a fixed budget. This can be achieved perfectly through a PPC campaign. PPC or pay-per-click is a digital marketing strategy that involves a contract between an…

FREE Email Marketing Tools

FREE Email Marketing Tools Here is our top 9 FREE email marketing tools that you must have to elevate your email game: EMAIL COPY, KEYWORD SPAM CHECKER, SPAM COMPLIANCE, SUBJECT - LINE IDEAS: https://www.vbout.com/free-tools EMAIL FORMAT TEST: https://putsmail.com EMAIL DESIGNS FROM BRANDS: https://reallygoodemails.com DNS SCAN: https://dnschecker.org WEBSITE BLACKLIST SCAN:…

Digital marketing trends for 2021. What you need to be aware of

2020 has been phenomenal. Due to the conditions that have occurred worldwide from COVID, businesses have changed the way they market themselves to engage with their customers and generate new leads online. Marketers may find it complicated to adapt to these shifts quickly and easily. With the rapid emergence of new marketing trends over the last few months, it became ineffective for…

Improve your lead gen and grow your business with VBOUT’s new Digital Marketing Academy

If you’re looking for different ways to grow your business, improve your skills in lead generation and marketing automation or advance your career, you’ve come to the right place. What’s the VBOUT academy? The VBOUT academy offers a course that consists of a variety of lessons as well as best practices in lead generation and marketing automation that provide different strategies on…

Top qualities every digital marketing agency must have

If you’re looking to hire a digital marketing agency, you can expect to pay around $5000 to $13,000 a month to develop a strong online presence.  This may sound like a lot until you break down how much work is required. And, in the long run, if your marketing is done well, this will convert to a decent cost of sale.  Digital marketing is continuously changing at a rapid pace. To attract…

5 Marketo alternatives you should consider in 2024

Marketo, a platform co-founded by Phil Fernandez, David Morandi, and Jon Miller in 2006, was originally designed to serve as an enterprise solution, tailored to meet the needs of marketing experts. The primary focus of Marketo has been on account-based marketing, covering a broad spectrum of marketing avenues such as email, mobile, social media, digital ads, web management, and analytics.…

How to grow your email list with social media

There are no doubts, that your company has an audience that it targets to reach and convert to be in their email list. It may seem too easy but social media is a great avenue to get to your target audience. See, most companies have a massive following on social media yet still struggle with getting people on their email list, why? They ignored their following! Sure, it is good to have many…

V-cast: The importance of lead gen from paid ads – ReachLocal

V-cast with ReachLocal: The importance of lead gen from paid ads Host: Richard Fallah, CEO at VBOUT. Guest Speaker: Steven Dollar, growth manager at reachlocal.com Highlights In this Vcast, we interviewed Steven Dollar, growth manager at ReachLocal, a platform dedicated for SMBs to run Google and Facebook ads. Steven shares advice for small businesses looking forward to…