12 LinkedIn features you should be using now

When Microsoft acquired LinkedIn back in 2016 for a crisp $26.2 billion, many people scratched their heads. Why focus on a networking site whose ‘cool factor’ palled in comparison to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram? Why such a large amount for a platform that had, for all intents and purposes, plateaued in the public eye? Well, now we know now that Microsoft had a few tricks up their…

9 tips for optimizing your video marketing content

Chances are, that if you’ve had an online presence at all in the past year, you’ve come across a great deal of videos from a variety of different brands and individuals alike. This is not by any coincidence. The number of internet users watching videos daily is on the rise and is taking up an increasing portion of all of the media shared online. It is predicted that videos will make up a…

Digital marketing trends for 2018: Micro-scale & richer content

There has never been a more exciting time for brands to jump into the digital marketing arena than now. Any strong digital marketing strategy will need to take into account upcoming trends as we head into 2018. Adapting to these changes will assure that you are not left in the dust, as online audiences grow exponentially each year. For 2018, it’s true that there are innovative, new…

The impact of new devices on marketing

In the advent of Apple dropping the iPhone X, it seems that companies are updating devices, or coming out with new ones at a rate that we have never seen before. Advances in technology have always had a significant impact on marketing practices. In fact, the field of digital marketing is born of the age of the internet. It is a marketer’s job to identify the most effective medium to reach…

Five top digital marketing trends In 2016

Digital marketing is a fast paced environment with constantly changing technologies and techniques. Developing successful campaigns, measuring success, and engaging customers requires marketers to continually shift strategies and adopt new tactics. To help you plan a successful 2016, we analyze five of the emerging trends and explain some ways to incorporate this in your planning for the year.…

Successful social media campaigns examples!

It’s the shopping season and retailers faced intense competition to grab their customers’ attention. Who’s been doing a great job? What are some of our favorite campaigns? Here are three companies producing amazing results on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. Facebook Ads – Adore Me had incredible response to their Black Friday strategies Hate ‘em or love ‘em, Facebook Ads are very…

Shake Shack digital marketing analysis

Shake Shack is a popular American burger chain created in 2004 that has experienced incredible growth. The franchise, a public company since 2014, has become one of the top 10 fastest growing chains in America with 63 branches worldwide. It is widely known for infamous long lines, high quality burgers and tasty custards. The most interesting aspect of Shake Shack’s growth is that the company…

5 ways to manage your users online reviews

Online reviews are one of the major influencing factors over your business. They reflect your brand and people searching for your website expect to find positive reviews from your experienced guests. Social media plays a major role in online reputation management because it gets customers to know about your product and you can communicate with them on a regular basis to fulfill their…

8 quick tips to create awesome Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals that boost your sales

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the biggest shopping days in the United States. Since billions of dollars are spent online and offline, big and small retailers take advantage of those 2 days to drive sales and revenue by offering special discounts and flash offers. Here are 8 quick tips on how to create effective Black Friday and Cyber Monday offers to your consumers: Offer a…

4 Ways to Use Hashtags and Social Listening to Optimize User Engagement

In today's digital age, hashtags and social listening have become integral parts of our online interactions and marketing strategies. They are not just symbols preceded by a pound sign (#); they are powerful tools that can help marketers boost brand awareness, drive user engagement, and conduct effective social media monitoring. However, the effective use of hashtags and social listening is…