How Needham Solutions grew their agency while improving client’s results

How Needham Solutions grew their agency while improving client’s results Host: Brooks Van Norman – Success Manager at VBOUT Client: Cameron Needham – Founder and CEO of Needham Solutions, LLC Highlights Tell us a bit about you and what your business is about? Needham solutions is a true one stop shop. We are a full service, marketing, design, technology and promotions…

Data Protection Agreement

You can download the template of the SCC here. 1. Introduction 1.1 This agreement related to processing of personal data (the ”Data Processor Agreement”) regulates VBOUT Inc., a Delaware corporation established on May 29, 2014 and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, registered under No. 55418-16 (the ”Data Processor”) processing of personal data on behalf of the client…

Best Practices for SMS Marketing

There are ample reasons to consider alternative marketing platforms and channels in 2022. To name but a few, we might cite the pandemic’s effects on the modern customer’s behaviors and journeys, the eclipse of third-party cookies, and the ever-changing search engine algorithms. Some marketers have been turning to the tried-and-tested alongside the new and bold SMS marketing practices among…

10 B2B Holiday Marketing Trends to Watch out for in 2022

When you hear about holiday marketing, you may think that this strategy is beneficial for B2C companies primarily. But, B2B brands shouldn’t deny themselves an opportunity to drive awareness and boost sales during a holiday season! Want to learn the working B2B holiday marketing strategies for 2022? Then keep reading this article! Understanding holiday marketing Holiday marketing…

How to improve the UX for your website content

Regardless of how niche your portfolio may be or how large-scale your company is, optimizing your website’s UX is essential for international success. User Experience design (UX) is one of the most important web design pillars of the modern era and it can make or break your business model in 2022. According to Small Biz Genius, 88% of people won’t come back to a website after poor UX, with…

Evergreen Webinar Funnel by AdOutreach

Evergreen Webinar Funnel by AdOutreach People use Evergreen webinars for doing product training, team onboarding, lead generation and much more. In this longer-than-usual video, we will take a deep dive into AdOutreach Evergreen webinar funnel and analyze it step by step for you so you get the inspiration you need to build your own. Here are the main components of that funnel:…

5 Marketing Alternatives to User-Tracking Browser Data

Data tracking is the best way to get user-driven insights required for efficient optimization of the site, fixing possible bugs, and running marketing campaigns. Formerly, the most popular approach in the context of ads generating was third-party cookies. Advertisers track browsing activities to understand UX better and determine users’ habits and preferences. In this way, user-tracking…

Phone Dialer Funnel – By Ads Near Me

Phone Dialer Funnel - By Ads Near Me Is outbound calling part of your lead generation funnel? Do you think outbound calling is still working? How fast should you dial out from the form submission? Let's uncover this funnel by Ads Near Me and how they placed an auto outbound phone dialer in the heart of their funnel. This campaign includes: Facebook lead form OFFER: Get more…

How Predictive Analytics Can Help Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing has arguably been intensely competitive since its infancy. While competitiveness is nothing new to the field, technological innovations and emerging trends have only pronounced it in recent years. In response to the uncertainty that many businesses face due to this tumultuous landscape come predictive analytics. Far from a new practice in itself, predictive analysis offers…

How businesses benefit from white label marketing automation

Given the ever-expanding nature of digital marketing alone, businesses must continuously strive to adapt. Between that and a turbulent year-and-a-half of COVID-19, this need is arguably more pronounced than ever before. In this regard, there are as many options to entertain and endeavors to consider as there are businesses. One such option, tried and tested over the 2010s, is white label…