Digital Marketing Trends for 2023

Marketing has evolved at a rapid pace over the past 12 months. More attention has been paid to giving customers a great experience across many channels. Meanwhile, we’ve also recently noticed a clear shift toward digitalization and more automated ways for brands and customers to interact. AI technology is another area experiencing a lot of growth. It has made personalization more advanced…

How VerveVideos Achieved a 139% increase in Lead Generation Using VBOUT

You must have heard the saying that goes, “work smart, not hard.” This saying perfectly represents what VBOUT, a marketing automation software, is all about. Before delving into the details of how their services benefited an animated explainer video company, let’s answer a couple of questions. What is automation software? An automation software is a type of program that reduces the…

How to Build a Lead Scoring Criteria for your Email Marketing Strategy in 2023

Leads are the lifeblood of your company. A regular influx of fresh leads can help you counteract customer churn and build your base to keep your business in the black. But not all leads are created equal, and your time as a marketer is precious. That’s why you need airtight lead scoring criteria to help you decide where your email marketing time and effort are best spent. What is lead…

DIY Marketing Tips for Small Business Owners

Marketing a small business isn’t cheap, and few entrepreneurs have the budget to build a marketing department when they’re just starting out. And since the cost of startup branding services could range from $5,000 to $20,000 or more, many aspiring entrepreneurs can’t afford to hire freelancers or agencies when developing their brand messaging or using different marketing channels to promote…

How To Adapt Your Marketing Strategy For The Rest Of 2022

A good marketing strategy is critical for the success of your company. Since 2020, marketers have rapidly changed strategies to adapt to new consumer behaviors induced by the global pandemic. Since the beginning of 2022, marketers have focused their efforts on digital strategies such as short-form video marketing, influencer marketing, virtual events, augmented reality and virtual reality…

How to optimize your email marketing strategy with predictive sending

Email marketing remains, by and large, among the most promising marketing channels today – if not the king among them. Its excellent engagement rates, click-through rates (CTR), and response rates make for truly stellar Return On Investment (ROI) that some quantify as up to 4400%. In addition, more than 4 billion people already use email, and that number only increases over time. Still,…

Best Practices for SMS Marketing

There are ample reasons to consider alternative marketing platforms and channels in 2022. To name but a few, we might cite the pandemic’s effects on the modern customer’s behaviors and journeys, the eclipse of third-party cookies, and the ever-changing search engine algorithms. Some marketers have been turning to the tried-and-tested alongside the new and bold SMS marketing practices among…

Email coupons: How to use them to boost your sales

Coupons are one of the most effective forms of email marketing. It's no secret that people love coupons, and statistics support this fact - 96% of people across the United States use coupons. The number of coupon users is constantly growing - in 2012, 91 million people used coupons, and in 2016 that number increased to 126.9 million. And most importantly, digital coupon redemptions are…

Guide to Creating a Behavioral Email Marketing Strategy

Few forms of marketing can boast as much fame or efficiency as email marketing. Its versatility lets it augment inbound outbound strategies alike, fitting into all stages of the sales funnel. Moreover, it continues to offer excellent Return on Investment (ROI), and marketing trends predict its continued prominence. However, it too presents some notable challenges. Recipients’ inboxes are…

How to improve the UX for your website content

Regardless of how niche your portfolio may be or how large-scale your company is, optimizing your website’s UX is essential for international success. User Experience design (UX) is one of the most important web design pillars of the modern era and it can make or break your business model in 2022. According to Small Biz Genius, 88% of people won’t come back to a website after poor UX, with…